Sunday, August 30, 2009

Journal 3 Week 1

Final post for this week is a quote and picture.

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser
John W Gardner

I remember the first time I took an art class. The first dozen drawings were horrible, constantly erasing the mistakes and skewing perspective and scale and just about every mistake that can be made. By the end, my best drawings were the ones I wasn't allowed to erase, like pen or ink drawings, or even timed drawings with not enough time and too much to draw.

Journal 2 Week 1

Since 3 posts per week are required, I uploaded my favorite image:

The webpage this comes from is, but I found it at

The author goes through every step of how he created this model in 3d Max. One of my projects last year was to create a burner, one used in hot air balloons. I had fun with the challenge of using a new system of particles in Lightwave to create as close to a realistic flame as I could. This author far exceeded my accomplishment.

Assignment 1 part 2

I started by using the ocean as a plain. I then put in the Chrisler building, changed it's color to a blue tint, and then created a hand-drawn gradient so that the top of the tower was more affected by the red of the setting sun than the middle of the tower. I did the same to the bottom, then I smugged the bottom of the tower with the water, going for the tower forming from the water. I then did the same for a random building and smoke stack. Then I copied a toy sailboat and added a distorted reflection.

I took the city as my plain. I started by adding the fire and the red glow. Seeing as how this is a vintage cityscape, I thought the plane fit in real well. After that, putting in King Kong was an obvious choice. Instead, I opted for a chimp. I had to warp his body until his arm was behind the building. A foot and both his hands were hidden by branches and trees in the original. The ones on the right I hid behind the building, but I had to find another chimp's hand, and replace it! If you look closely it doesn’t match, the color, angle, and the awkward wrist.

I used a different picture to get started, and added the mountains, the horse, and the tower. I took a picture of Vesuvious, and used a tower in the image as an afterthought. First I cut out the tree and the horizon and overlayed it over the mountains. I cut out a horse from an image and added it in. Along with the cloning of the horizon and trees, that's 4 transformations.,_Capri_and_Maddaloni.jpg

Assignment 1 Part 1

I selected my first images while keeping in mind I needed to alter them later in photoshop. This image makes a great starting plane to add to.

A very large photo of Manhattan. many of the building are in plain view, allowing me to copy them into another image.

The final image is a cg rendering of an airplane. I didn't use this in a composite picture, but all the objects I used are fairly boring individually, such as a boat or flame. So I chose another object to display instead.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Casey Curtiss Academic Blog Journal 1 Week 1

This is a charcoal drawing I made a couple of years ago. I was practicing face drawing, and I used the manikin, and since that was the same month with all the hype of of the dark knight I made the background Gotham city.