Sunday, October 4, 2009

Assignment 5

I’m an animator. A requirement for this is the ability to model. I’m used to advanced programs like Maya and Lightwave, and wrapping my mind around this simple little odd program is the equivalent to stuttering a speech. Luckily the assignment was a mildly intricate collection of boxes, allowing the handicap of the program to minimize its exposure to me. Meaning, I got the model done in an hours, maybe two hours. I eyed the missing measurements, and went ahead and painted everything black, except for the seat. Once I exported it, and having to change its measurements in Photoshop, I have my final images. The first image, in my opinion, is the best out of the three, going for a quartering away and looking towards the horizon, as if the camera were looking at a beach at sundown. I spun the chair, and got an ant-eye shot from a ¾ view where I chose to center the chair. Then I picked an obvious ¾ view, and chose to show the chair and shadow.

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