Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekly Post 9/21/09

I wanted something else to do with trees. I despise then, and have tried dozens of different ways of drawing them. So far, drawing each leaf or one style of shading I can’t reproduce have worked great. This image was a 2d render, so not as impressive as otherwise 3d, though in 3d one can cheat through code and instancing to get around tedious work, and in drawing it doesn’t really work. The trees feel like the borders of the planes of glass in a church, and the image portrays how I would feel in her shoes: Awed.


Weekly Post 9/21/09

I liked this image because it pictured a famous saying and made it look natural and random. There is a more focused image of this, on only the tree and loose leaves, but I wanted the picture that showed the crinkled bills in the water. Some zooming may be required.

Weekly Post 9/21/09

I think there are two things about art that are hard for me: knowing what to make, and how to make it. In animation, we're often told what to make, and the challenge is choosing one of the dozen ways to do this. In drawing, the challenge for me is knowing what to draw. After drawing enough trees to make me sick of them, I drew a scooter, who sped off after an hour of drawing. After reading the Daily Lobo out of boredom, I saw an add for something or other. I thought I might be able to draw her. I used lead the pencil I use in school to write. After a while I used my smoothing stick at home to smooth out lines and shade in the background and her face. I didn’t quite catch the look she had. I had to redo the lips several times, and the shoulder still doesn’t look correct. A year ago I had a picture set up with a grid and drew a human figure, but since then this is the only one, and the only one I used without assistance from a grid or hours of work.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekly Posts 9/14/09

Again with the destruction. with all things in life, we are drawn to what is difficult to achieve. creating destruction is hard to pull off, and so is fire. To make a fire look realistic is difficult, since there are too many things that can go wrong with it. Too bad this is a picture instead of a 3d model, otherwise it may have been animated.

Weekly Journal 9/14/09

Unlike the real world, making something clean and pristine in a 3d environment is easy, and making a spotless hallway is much simpler than trashing it. This picture does that well, and even adds ambiance and further sense of destruction with the steam coming from the bottom.

Weekly Journal 9/14/09

Some questions have come up in class as to copyright infringements, especially with the weekly sketches. The four or five picture I was going to upload as the first of my images were done by me a year ago, and I even included most of them in my demo reel. I've been drawing an image a week, but due to the hectic state of our house, I don't have access to a scanner right now. I was hoping that I could set one up by this or next week, otherwise I'd have to find one on campus.

This was the last picture I've done with ink. As much as I love ruining brushes, along with spilling ink all over my backpack, I was glad to switch back to graphite or charcoal. The picture is of the lion's head of the fountain in my other picture. This is a close shot, trying to focus on the shadow across its face. I tried for contrast, gradients, line weight... I just don't like the permanency of the ink. Even with a dousing of water and other ink a mistake is permanent.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekly post 9/8/09

just the snail is a great piece of CG, but adding the innards in the level of detail of the model and texture, that's impressive. The lighting and reflection is also great.

Journal Post Week of 09/08/09

Another charcoal drawing. This is of my grandparent's fountain, where the water comes out of the lion's head, and the clouds in the background were drawn at a different time. I was still experimenting with shading and detail. The head was too small to draw in detail, and I didn't attempt the brick in the basin. The clouds were the best I've ever done, even though they look horrible.

Journal Post Week of 09/08/09

This is an cool image. It's hard to simulate fire, and especially in CG. This does a good job doing it without trying.

Assignment 3

I took a different tone of depth, making the color change incremental from top to bottom. I outlines the thing with lines to preserve a sense of structure, and then used the scribble effect to add some variety.

The first thing I did was to outline each tube of the rhythm haptic model. I took the ones further back and turned them a lighter shade of red, the medium to an orange, and the closer to a red. then I changed the tubes between these section to make a smooth transmission. The last thing I did was to change to outline of the tubes so that the further from the camera the tubes became increesingly lighter in greyscale value.

For the second image, I took only the straight lines of the harmony model, changed their color for the depth of field, and then looked for something to make it different. I found an effect under distort called zig zag. I checked the smooth option, compensated for the leghth of the segments, and recieved a unique look.

For the last image I had a hard time finding an unblury image. I tryed outlighing all parts of the images that were originally seperate pieces of triangular Daily Lobo pieces, I also outlines the highest level of contrast, the black marks on the paper. What I saw was that it looked very native american type of desigh. I made a few changes to show depth and some color or gaps, then left it alone to preserve its unique look.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Assignment 2




I have a huge problem with the whole abstract, follow your heart, or just go with it. I also have serious issues with vague instructions like represent harmony. I can do structure. I took an old stack of post it notes that had lost stickiness, and folded them around a glue stick for the form. besides this, I took a pile of gluesticks under the light tables at UNM, and a cut up daily lobo for the flower thingy.

In the end, harmony is like a musical harmony, some patterns, but made of distinct sounds in the general shape of something, in this case a flower and Diamond. Rhythm is repeating patterns, structure is paterns with form... Though it sounds like i defined the term then made it, I did the opposite, started making it and discovered it kinda resembled a flower, or each object.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weekly Journal 8/31

An abstract cg art piece of a fractal-magnetic line combination. even the little detail in the small fractals and the glow it causes stands out to me. Besides that, it looks awesome!

Weekly Journal 8/31

I've always been fascinated by lights. More specifically how light affects the 3d simulated world. Well positioned lights can turn a decent scene into an interesting one, and a bad lighting rig can spoil a great scene. the contrast and composition of this scene draw the eye to all the right spaces.

Weekly Journal 8/31

Done when I was first starting to get good. 3 months of the worst art teacher were amended by two weeks by a substitute teacher. She taught me how to used the blending stick and how to better use the eraser and white chalk on a model skull made of plaster. Then I added the background, going for a laberatory feel. on the original if you look closely there are scratches on the wall, marks where someone counted the days, and little details like that, just for the fun of it.