Sunday, December 6, 2009

Posts for 11/8/09

I've fallen way behind on all of my Journals. I've collected all the material, and I have plenty of un-photographed sketches, I just haven't gotten around to putting everything together, given finals rush. On that note, now's the time I feel most motivated: closest to finals. I'll upload all of my inspiration work soon and take pictures of sketches later.

Inspiration often has to be focused, and to be honest I never thought much of chair or table design. Now that I have to design one to integrate with the computer interface of my group project, almost complete responsibility over its design falls on me. I considered and reconsidered all of my teammate’s sketches, but in the end I fell on some phrases to guide me: sleek, space-efficient, contemporary, and technology. I took styles major technology, like the apple products, or similar products to the one I was designing, such as several light tables, and used these to base my design on. I decided to go for a chair first, even though it went against what we talked about in our group, in hindsight.

This chair seemed like a great starting point. I considered the hammock, and went from there. I used the flowing supports I saw in the hammock chairs and found this chair. Later, I built my chair from essentially this design, except that the back was supported by the small legs, which I extended, so it could potentially fold.

This chair showed more curving, this time it was continuous and gave the same effect.

My drawing is of the table chair ideas, as shown in the powerpoint.

The sketch is one where I just jotted down any idea of the group project we were doing. I was the one in charge of the design, and clueless as to where to start. I went from the angle of making a chair efficient, a sleek folding design, then a compartment for it to fit into, and lastly making a sleek table design. I don’t do well thinking completely abstractly, and so I tried grounding myself with categories, then directing my creativity.

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